June 16, 2024
Annapolis, US 84 F

Congratulations to USNA Class of 2024 (PHOTOS)

The United States Naval Academy is celebrating the graduation of the Class of 2024 today, marking a significant milestone for these future leaders of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

After four years of rigorous academic and military training, the graduates are ready to embark on their military careers, equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for their roles in national defense. Friends, family, and distinguished guests gathered this morning to honor the accomplishments of these dedicated individuals.

As they received their diplomas and commissions, the graduates joined the ranks of Naval Academy alumni, who have a proud legacy of service and leadership. This year’s ceremony is particularly notable for the addresses from three key figures: Superintendent Yvette Davids, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Superintendent Davids highlighted the resilience and dedication of the Class of 2024, acknowledging the challenges they have overcome during their time at the academy. Secretary of the Navy Del Toro emphasized the crucial role of leadership and service in the graduates’ future endeavors, reminding them of their significant responsibilities in protecting the nation. Secretary of Defense Austin discussed the evolving nature of global security, urging the new officers to remain adaptable and steadfast in their commitment to safeguarding freedom.

You can listen to each of these keynote speakers here!

To the Class of 2024! Congratulations and fair winds and following seas! #BeatArmy

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