May 13, 2024
Annapolis, US 57 F

Local Politics In The Blogosphere

Elections in the 21st century have become very interesting. I wonder how our forefathers would have dealt with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and blogs.  Forever, everyone has had an opinion; but now in addition to their opinion, they have a platform to present it!

We tool a quick tour around the Maryland Blogosphere to check out those platforms. While some of the usual suspects were there, we were surprised at some unusual suspects who decided to take a jump into the pool of political punditry. Here are a few of our favorites!

  • The Vagina Vote. Apparently, County Executive Candidate Joanna Conti sent an attack mailer to women suggesting their daughters were in danger if John Leopold were re-elected. Perhaps she assumed it might resonate with the female voters of the county. But on the blog, What This Mom Knows, Michelle pulls no punches when she says, “I had to laugh out loud at that one because demeaning women is exactly what this ad does. It’s the equivalent of John McCain picking that Alaskan dipshit to be his running mate. She’s trying to get the vagina vote just like he did. It was offensive then and it’s offensive now.”
  • Legum’s War Chest. One never knows what side of the aisle Annapolis Capital Punishment will fall. Sometimes they lean far left, and other times, they take a step to the right. Paul has been suspicious of District 30 Candidate Judd Legum for a while and this week he points out, “Why are so many Washingtonians, Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers interested in this young guy running for delegate?  Could it be simply that a lot of people in DC must figure we need another politically ambitious trial attorney representing Marylanders? Or could it be that Legum is entangled with and working closely with outside and special interest groups that help certain candidates of certain political sways and affiliations to raise as much money as possible by targeting certain political districts and specific donors?”
  • Susan Who? Over on The No BS Zone, Bud is out in full force with endorsements in the local races. Last week, he tossed his endorsement out for Governor–Libertarian candidate Susan Gaztañaga. Bud explains, “Look, I know Ms. Gaztañaga will struggle to get 2% of the total vote. That said, sometimes voters must take a principled stand against the establishment. Besides, I refuse to take responsibility for another Ehrlich or O’Malley administration.”
  • Bull$#!t! Is how Red Maryland deems a Baltimore Sun Poll that shows O’Malley leads over Ehrlich. “To be blunt, there is nothing contained in this poll that provides it one iota of credibility, especially when compared to the more recent Rasmussen and Gonzales polls. This poll is utter bull$#!t and since this election is going to be unlike any election that we have ever seen I wouldn’t trust any polling model that you see or here [sic] about from here until Election Day.”
  • Asti Debate. And Eye On Annapolis was not immune from some colorful opinions on a recent post by Circuit Court Candidate Alison Asti. One local attorney commented, “I’m sorry to say but Ms. Asti has absolutely no idea of what goes on in a Circuit Coourt[sic]”. Which was quickly countered with, “It is intriguing that although the state Constitution calls for election of judges, some members of the bar, who are supposed to be the guardians of that document, and its ideals are appalled that a person (other than a sitting judge) would participate in that election. Frankly, diversity of experience is a good thing for a bench.” (Note: All advertisers with Eye On Annapolis are entitled to a monthly article authored by the advertiser. Ms. Asti is an advertiser and this article was written by her campaign and is identified as such in the byline.)
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