May 14, 2024
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6 Reasons you Should Learn The Piano

Learning how to play the piano can be a long-term commitment. In fact, it’s one of the longest, since the average student studies for more than 10 years and takes between 70 and 80 lessons, but the payoff can be tremendous.

Piano lessons will help you develop your fine motor skills. Moreover, you will also promote hand-eye coordination and memory. They’ll also improve your listening and problem-solving skills, and they have even been linked to an increase in IQ.

And when you play, others will be able to enjoy the fruits of your practice. With COVID restrictions these days, what better time is there to learn an instrument?

If you want to get started, you can check out reviews from reputable online sources such as SoundHalo and see which type of piano is best suited for your needs.

History of the Piano

The history of the piano is an interesting one. The instrument has been around for over 400 years, yet it has only been in the last 100 years that it has become a mainstream instrument. The main reason for its increased popularity seems to be the player piano development in the late 1800s.

The piano’s history really begins in Florence, Italy, in the early 1300s when an instrument called a “gravicembalo” was first developed; and it has evlved into one of the most popular instruments and is also a beautiful item of furniture.

Why Learn This Instrument?

The benefits of playing the piano include learning discipline, self-confidence, and an interest in music.

Playing piano improves your brainpower, self-confidence, hand coordination, and memory. Studies have shown that playing the keyboard improves cognitive ability, self-confidence, attention and retention, and memory. Playing piano also increases your stamina, and it makes your body more efficient at working with time. In fact, all of the skills that come with learning to play the instrument can be applied in many areas of life.

For example, the benefits of taking piano lessons may include the ability to perform better at your job or in school.

Through constant practice, this love of music will likely carry over into other areas of life, including work and school.

Improves Brain Function

The first reason is that it is widely recognized that playing the piano is an excellent way of improving your brain function.

In fact, learning any instrument does this, but the piano has so many keys, chords, and methods to play, that it can really improve the way your brain works.

By learning this instrument, you will create new connections between your neurons, which will, in turn, increase memory and help you think with more clarity than before.

Stress Buster

The benefits of the piano practice include reducing tension and stress in your life. When you sit down to play the piano, you engage a variety of muscles in your body. Often it is the practice itself that can reduce the amount of stress and tension in your life. This, of course, can also benefit your mental well being.

Playing the piano is a great way to relieve stress, and many people have found that to be true. Adding a musical instrument to your life can also take your mind off of stressful issues and give you a creative outlet.

Enhances Concentration

This is remarkably accurate for children, but adults can benefit too. Once you get into the rhythm of playing, you will soon find your concentration increases exponentially.

Increases Dexterity

One of the most prominent advantages of learning to play the piano is that playing the keyboard is an excellent exercise. Musicians who play the keyboard often spend a lot of time working on their fingers’ dexterity and arm strength.

Research has shown that playing the keyboard regularly can improve the arms, wrists, and shoulders.

Improves Language Skills

Learning to play the piano can be a fun and rewarding experience for you and improve your language skills. Learning the piano will help you develop your fine motor skills and your listening skills. It will also help you develop your memory and attention span and help you grow your creative thinking skills, which is essential when learning new languages.

Helps Young Children to Accept Constructive Criticism

This is far more important than you might think.

Many children are unable to accept criticism and find it difficult to understand why they are being faulted. By learning the piano, they will ultimately make mistakes that need correcting, however in the environment of learning and improving, they will understand this criticism and actually see the improvements they make.

In other words, they will learn from their mistakes and see the real-life difference this makes when they can hear themselves improving.

Types of Piano

Today, there are three major piano types: the grand piano, the upright piano, and the digital piano.

Grand pianos are by far the most common type of piano you’ll find in concert halls and in the living rooms of hobbyists and professionals alike.

On the other hand, Upright pianos are a lot smaller than grand pianos, and they’re easier to carry around, so they’re great for playing in small spaces.

Finally, digital pianos have the advantage of being cheaper than the other two and, unlike a grand piano, you don’t need to go to a music store to play one.

Grand Piano
The grand piano is the king of all pianos. Most people think of this piano, and it’s the instrument that is most often seen in concert halls, recording studios, and private homes.

It is also the most often associated instrument with classical music, though many pianists use both grand and upright pianos.

The grand piano is a much larger instrument, hence its name, than the upright. It is a much more elegant and ornate piece of furniture.

Upright Piano

The upright is more compact, simpler to move, store and purchase. However, the grand piano has a fuller sound and is more expensive than the upright piano. The action of a grand piano is very different from that of an upright piano because the strings are horizontal, and the sound is produced by striking the metal strings with a hammer.

Digital Piano

Digital pianos are electric, high-tech pianos that can produce the sounds of an acoustic piano. Still, they can also give you lots of other sounds, including from a variety of instruments. Digital pianos are sometimes confused with keyboards. While both are electronic instruments, digital pianos are designed to mimic the acoustic piano’s feel and playability.

Learning to play the piano is a fantastic way to improve a raft of things in your body. From your mind to your muscles, learning an instrument such as the piano will pay dividends the longer you stay with it.


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