May 13, 2024
Annapolis, US 72 F

Steps You Should Take If You Were Mistreated At A Hospital

Mistreatment is not peculiar to just one sector, and it is present in all aspects of life like the academic, legal, and medical sectors. Daily, we hear complaints of mistreatment among different people in regards to their hospital care. The complaint might be a sexist and/or racial remark, body shaming, food deprivation, or delayed medical care.

Mistreatment in the hospital comprises of malpractice and abuse that could be physical or sexual. Malpractice is usually a major complaint that entails negligence or deviation from the right diagnostic and treatment approach that could cause injury to the patient.

There are numerous hospitals with different health professionals. Mistreatment can almost be unavoidable in the health care sector. If you or a relative have been mistreated in the hospital, don’t just overlook it, as it will create an opportunity for more negligent and insensitive practice.

Steps You Should Take to Address Mistreatment.

1.    Identify the person responsible for the mistreatment.

There is no way to build a case against an institution or accuse someone of a crime if you don’t know the person involved. When mistreatment occurs, ensure you take note of the individual’s look and name. If the person is unfamiliar, ask around to get more information. Identify the person’s role in the hospital, and the person could be a doctor, nurse, kitchen staff, or security personnel.

Always confirm that the person works in that hospital. Like a doctor invited from another hospital to perform surgery on you, the staff might be outsourced. Ensure you have the right and adequate information on the person(s) responsible for the mistreatment. This helps you tackle the mistreatment.

2.    Gather and document available evidence

This is very important for legal proceedings. There are situations where evidence will not be obvious or readily available, like verbal insults and rude remarks. You might have to rely on witnesses to build a strong case, unless the person responsible confesses.

In cases of medical malpractice, your evidence lies in the medical investigations and treatment procedures carried out. In situations like this, your medical record comes handy. No hospital will hand your records to you, but with your attorney’s help, they will be made available for legal purposes.

In situations where the mistreatment is a result of omission, your evidence is the hospital’s inability to provide records. An example of such a situation is when your surgeon does not get informed consent from you or your caregiver before performing a surgery that eventually led to an injury.

3.    Get a medical malpractice attorney.

Most hospitals are always prepared for a lawsuit, so they always have a legal team in place. In cases of negligence, malpractice, physical and sexual assault, suing the hospital is usually the recommended option. This cannot be done if you are not adequately prepared. You cannot battle a hospital on your own, and you need the help of an attorney.

Your property or family lawyer will not do a good job in this aspect. It is advisable to look for a medical malpractice attorney that handles cases resulting from medical negligence solely. This will make the lawsuit easy and increase your chance of winning against the hospital involved.

4.    Do not engage in a social media battle with the hospital.

Nowadays, people take their complaints and potential legal battles to social media. When tackling a mistreatment case, as tempting as it is, don’t rant about the situation on your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram page. If it eventually becomes a legal case, with a good legal team defending the hospital, your social media posts might be twisted and used against you.

Social media might be useful in getting support. At the same time, it is an instrument that can be used for defamation. Ensure you use it carefully and strategically when reporting a complaint.

5.    Ensure the hospital addresses the mistreatment

Even if you eventually do not file a lawsuit, do not let the hospital get away with any form of mistreatment. Ensure you report to a higher authority like the hospital or licensing board. Do not relent until justice has been served.

6.    Change your hospital or the health care provider.

No matter how top-rated a hospital is, no one should condone mistreatment. If you are not satisfied with the outcome after reporting and seeking legal actions, change your hospital or request another healthcare provider.

A hospital should be a place of trust and respect. If you don’t get the care you deserve or you are mistreated, do not turn a blind eye, always take actions to curb future mistreatment and make the hospital own responsibility for the current mistreatment.

You deserve the best health care, so get it.

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