May 14, 2024
Annapolis, US 68 F

Annapolis City Manager

Lately, there has been a LOT of discussion on hiring a City Manager for Annapolis. This proposal has a lot of merit based on the current “issues” the City is facing. And, quite honestly it could not have come at a worse time for the City. We are in a recession and the council is also considering a huge increase ($50,000 per year) to the Mayoral salary.

If we are to hire a City Manager, it will make the Mayor’s job more (but not all) ceremonial in nature. Do we want to pay a ceremonial Mayor $120,000 a year and a City Manager an equivalent salary?

To further complicate matters, the City Council had the opportunity to approve a City Manager position in February 2009, but decided instead to kill the bill and send it to referendum. What this effectively does is create a situation where the Mayoral candidates will be running for election not knowing if they will have the full power of the office as it now stands.

There is talk of the referendum being placed on the Primary Election ballot, but with the typical apathetic dismal turnout for Primaries in this City, it is likely that this important decision may indeed be decided by literally a few hundred individuals.

What are your thoughts on a City Manager? Please vote in the poll and leave a comment!

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