May 8, 2024
Annapolis, US 85 F

Anne Arundel County Schools Eliminate Gymnastics Programs

bbAfter several years of declining participation and facing the expense of needing to replace significant amounts of gymnastics equipment, Anne Arundel County Public Schools is discontinuing its varsity and junior varsity gymnastics programs. AACPS had been just one of two counties to sponsor gymnastics programs.

Just five schools – Annapolis, Arundel, Broadneck, Old Mill, and Severna Park – fielded gymnastics teams during the recently concluded spring season, one below the school system’s requirement to sponsor a sport. Approximately 90 gymnasts took part in competitions this year, down from about 125 four years ago.

In addition to the falling participation, the school system faces the task of replacing aging equipment at all five schools. The equipment, most of it purchased during the 1980s, has been regularly serviced over the years.  However, its age makes the regular maintenance and upkeep needed to maintain safety standards difficult if not impossible.

“We have tried over the last few years to do what we can to keep gymnastics going in our county, but the sagging participation has now dropped to the point where we cannot field an adequate number of teams,” Superintendent Kevin M. Maxwell said. “That, combined with the task of replacing a good deal of our equipment has led us to this regrettable decision.”

Source: Anne Arundel County Public Schools
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